How to Carry a Tennis Bag Properly

    It may seem like a strange question to some people but a lot of new tennis players need to ask…

    How to Play Tennis for Beginners

    When you’re unsure what you’re doing, tennis can be a tricky sport. However, as soon as you know the basics,…

    Common Tennis Injuries: Causes & Prevention

    Tennis is a wonderful sport to play, both for fitness and enjoyment. However, if you haven’t prepared your body in…

    How to Treat Tennis Elbow at Home

    Tennis Elbow can be a really nasty injury and can stop you from being able to play the game you…

    8 Amazing Tennis Charities

    Most people will see tennis played on their television with fast-paced, professional players seeking the top prize in the competition.…

    TR Central is a blog where you can learn about the wonderful game of tennis including tips and advice on playing the game, practice & training, diet, fitness and general information that can help you become a better player. Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned pro we should have something for you. Also have a read of our guides to choosing the best tennis racquets, tennis ball machines, strings and tennis balls to help take your game to the next level.

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